Month: August 2022

Create a healthier workplace with corporate flu vouchers

Create a healthier workplace with corporate flu vouchers

Corporate flu vouchers create a healthier workplace. And, a healthier workplace makes an efficient and productive workforce. 

First off, the flu is highly contagious. When one catches it, it spreads so fast that it becomes hard to control. Furthermore, some of your employees may require some time off to recuperate. You can stop all this and it begins with partnering with corporate flu vouchers

Corporate  flu vouchers—what is it? 

Sometimes, members of your staff may not be available during flu vaccination programs or in the onsite workplace event because they work remotely or are always on the move for one reason or the other. You can sign them up and have them receive a voucher where they could get a flu shot at any location from the flu voucher supplier. Partnering with corporate flu vouchers, your employees and even contractors could redeem their flu vaccine vouchers anywhere in the country. 


Below are the benefits of corporate flu vouchers: 

corporate flu vouchers

Supports and improves employee’s health

When you partner with flu vouchers, you send a message to your employee that you care about their health and wellbeing. This can create a lasting impression in their minds and make them take proactive steps to support their overall health themselves too. For example, it can now go beyond catching the flu. They may start cutting down health risks associated with poor diets, smoking, etc. 

Secondly, a healthy workforce makes a productive workforce, cutting down absenteeism, and sick leaves, and creating a more efficient team. A study shows that healthy employees are about 2.9 times more efficient than the least healthy employees in a month. 

It creates a good impression in the minds of your customers or consumers 

Corporate flu vouchers make your business ethically desirable to your clients or customers. This is because when you treat your employees well and are intentional about their health, you pass a message across that you value ethics and social responsibilities. Also, you care about the people your employees come in contact with as they go about their duties. This is important for businesses or companies whose employees meet face-to-face with clients or customers. Imagine your customers meet a visibly sick employee who’s down with the flu, immediately a negative perception of your business is formed in their minds. 

The world has changed dramatically after the COVID-19 era, people now place a higher value on businesses or corporations or value employees’ health more than those who don’t. 

It attracts potential high skilled employees 

Partnering with corporate flu vouchers makes you a sought-after employer. Some potential employees are so highly skilled that businesses fight to get their attention. Now, these employees seek out workplaces that not only have good working conditions but also care about the health and overall wellbeing of the workforce. 

This further infers that to attract the best people to your organization, you need to create a positive impact on your workplace. 

What more? You give them a good reason to remain with you. 

Partner with corporate flu vouchers today and take your business to great heights!